First of all i just to say i 'm very grateful because
i'm still in the same class ,same school
nothing gonna change .
new friends .? HI .:) old friends .
forget him ..haha kiddin
i'm always remember 3 ros
(but sometime a bit make me angry )
nevermind open a new book right .?

First take a seat under fan .
then look one by one to be a friends
ask a name and look what weird around the class .?
laugh with liya if the people in the class is weird .

The class almost done complete .
the idea has been done
the class decorate by Girls 4R
So cool ,so underground and so exclusive.

To for 3 Ros > who are not still in the class
4ros nevermind u guys do more better SPM
it's so important . i always remember
3 ros okay